Stoneybrook Dental / Inspired Purpose

One Woman’s Mission

As a believer who understands that any good that comes from me is by the power of God, I have watched His grace, vision, and direction make growth my reality. From the US Army, through Howard Dental School, Postdoctoral at Columbia pursuing my passion (access to care in underserved communities), to private practice (Stoneybrook Dental) for 10+ years while serving as a missionary through Inspired Purpose, whose mission is to show God’s love through medical missions locally/internationally. I also serve as an Executive Director of the John Maxwell Team growing, teaching and helping others nationally/internationally.

Stoneybrook Dental, an award-winning practice, focuses holistically on the needs of our patient families. We all have to be conscious of the systemic connections between the mouth and the rest of the body. About 95% of people with diabetes also have periodontal disease (PD – the loss in tooth structure that supports teeth). People with PD have more difficulty controlling blood sugar. In the USA, 1 in 4 people have diabetes. 1 in 3 are prediabetic. That is over 29M people. PD is directly linked to arterial inflammation (heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure and other biomarkers). This is why PD treatment reduces medical costs over $5k/year for stroke patients and over $1k/year in heart disease patients – to say nothing for the savings in disease prevention. In the worlds of diabetes, high blood pressure, strokes, and heart attacks, there is a 95% chance your teeth could be play an integral role. Go to your dentist. Maintain your oral health. Your mouth is the main access to your body and intimately relates to your capacity for overall health. “A Healthy Mouth IS a Healthy YOU”.

Care in Care

God’s plan has taken me many places I did not fathom for myself. 31+ years in dentistry, I could not imagine this when I was an assistant or hygienist. As a dentist of 17+ years, I serve as teacher/mentor to aspiring leaders in the medical/dental/allied sciences. Stagnation is debilitating while action builds momentum & momentum empowers. Principles of lateral thinking, organization, and servant leadership teach students to be tenacious and creative as they “Move Forward” (which titles my section of “Woman Who Impact” the international bestseller I co-authored) and GROW. 

Final Word

Be inspired. 
Know your best and healthiest you.  
Receive all the growth God has in line specifically for you.

15502 Stoneybrook W Pkwy #126,
Winter Garden, FL 34787